Training Programme alumni working on British Museum fieldwork projects
In the past six months I’ve had the chance to catch up with two past participants in the Museum’s International Training Programme.
Last October and November, Mohamed Ali Hakim (Supreme Council of Antiquities, Egypt, in London in 2008), joined the work at Kom Firin near Alexandria in Egypt. This project is investigating a large 57-hectare ancient town, occupied between 1200BC and 700AD. Mohamed was in charge of studying, dating and drawing the pottery, which will be included in the next publication of the work.

In January and February, Shadia Abdu Rabu, a curator at the Sudan National Museum in Khartoum (in London in 2006), acted as archaeological inspector for the excavations at Amara West, an Egyptian town in upper Nubia. Shadia was especially involved in the excavation and recording of graves and burials in the eastern cemetery (1000-800BC).

Neal Spencer