Widening horizons: Gilda
The International Training Programme widened my horizon on what a museum is and it’s activities. I learnt many new things that will help me improve my work.
I acquired experience in the areas of conservation, restoration, storage, education and digitization.
So, on conservation: how to handle and treat objects, as well as the latest methods of object cleaning for restoration and storage.
On educational activities: how to arrange successful sessions aiwht positive outcomes.
and finally, on digitisation: this was a unique experience as I had not had the opportunity to engage in this aspect before. It was very interesting to see how digitization can make collections available to everyone.
This is experience will be implemented as I will infomr my collegues so that they too will be aware of these theoretical and practical considerations and things that are needed in any museum to make it get on.

Gilda and Fatma in Conservation and Scientific Research