View from inside ITP10: Vandana Prapanna

Hi, it’s now been over a week in London as a participant in the International Training Programme,  and so far our stay has been very fruitful.  I must thank Neal, Claire,  Shezza and all who are involved for designing the programme so well.

The course is quite comprehensive and gives an overview of all the curatorial practices.  It not only allows you to study British Museum very closely but also gives an opportunity to visit major museums in and around London. Amazing isn’t it!

Summer in the Great Court

I am more closely connected to the department of Asia and getting a chance to understand all aspects of Museography under the caring guidance of Richard Blurton. My most exciting moment was when I was able to see some of the masterpieces from the magnificent collection of the British Museum. Other worth mentioning aspects  are the Staff Breakfast where one of the Trustees spoke to us of his work for the BM, the Study Room in Prints and Drawing, useful tips from Alex Garrett about exhibition display accessories, information about Merlin (collections database), and an awe inspiring lecture by Clive Izard, head of creative services at the British Library on the wonderful use of new technology. The visit to the well-equipped Conservation and Science departments, an interactive session with the graphic department and last but not the least visit to the  excellently designed and well research BM temporary exhibition on Italian Renaissance drawings  under the dome of the Round Reading Room. I am already looking forward to another exciting week in the ITP. Keep checking the blog and remain connected.

Vandana Prapanna