Khaled Ahmed Sadek

First, I would like to thank the staff of the international training program for their efforts in order to provide comfort, knowledge and fun for the trainees. And it is wonderful that I have seen the great British Museum, its objects and galleries are beautiful and include antiquities from Egypt and Sudan.

I have greatly enjoyed visiting the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology. The pieces contained in this great museum show us his works in Egypt through models of objects which were discovered by himself in Egypt.

We also enjoyed a visit to the Horniman Museum and Gardens and learned about advanced technology in museum presentations and their specific interest in children and education in the museum.

Then we had a busy visit to Oxford, the wonderful scientific city and the Ashmolean Museum with its brilliant collection of Egyptian and Nubian antiquities, as well as the Griffith Institute and its collections of archaeologically important works and historical documents of English Egyptologists such as Griffith, Gardner, and June and Howard Carter including his diaries during archaeological fieldwork in Egypt.


But the most enjoyable to me are the wonderful places of London such as the London Eye, Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square, the Houses of Parliament, Big Ben and Arsenal Stadium, as well as magnificent gardens such as Kew Botanical Gardens and Kenwood House, and the especially good reception and hospitality.

Khaled Ahmed Sadek