Doaa Abdelsattar Kamel Osman: Returning to Cairo

Hello,  my ITP colleagues, I’m really missing all of you. Here’s what I’ve been doing since returning to Egypt.

Firstly, I had sad news awaiting me: my father had passed away while I was in London, so I did not return to work for one week.

At first it was difficult to tell my colleagues at the Museum of Islamic Art about what I learnt and did in London. But day by day I felt better and so first told my colleagues about how British Museum staff were helpful and respected everybody. They did their best to provide facilities for visitors, and to publish knowledge and research for everyone: kids, old people… The system of working was very organised, particularly how people in different departments communicated to make projects happen and improve the museum.

My colleagues immediately asked

‘How much is a ticket for the British Museum?’

I answered ‘it’’s FREE!!!!’.

‘What?!?!?’ They could not believe it….

I then told them about the visitor maps, books, exhibitions, volunteers and the information desk ……………. I will continue talking about the British Museum to my colleagues – some are now on holiday, away getting married, finishing exams, or even moved to another museum.