ITP Diary 16th August 2014: Ameena Al-Abri


In the morning at 8:30 we met the  ITP team at Schafer house reception. Then our trip to Windsor castle and Stonehenge began with a wonderful guide Ruth.

When we arrived to Windsor castle, the unique architectural style and the fortified walls was very unique and interesting. When we got into the castle it had a lot of marvelous rooms, furniture and wall paintings. There was a set rout that we had to walk in the castle. We first entered room number 9 that includes precious and beautiful porcelain dining dishes, then we went upstairs to the royal residence where there are  wonderful arm and armors , after that we went straight to find Queen Victoria statue and the rectal the room that includes exotic room objects in showcases, we also entered to the Waterloo chamber which was created to commemorate the victory of the battle of Waterloo in 1815, and designed specifically to display portraits on the wall for rulers, soldiers and politicians.

We also got the chance to see  the king’s drawing room, the king’s bedroom and the king’s dining room with its ceiling decoration that contain paintings of food, vegetables and fruits .

After we finished our visit to Windsor castle we had the chance to go to Stonehenge which is a unique prehistoric temple. Finally we returned to London and we really enjoyed the day.

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Ameena Al-Abri / Oman