ITP Diary 26th August 2014: Marine Mkrtchyan

Hello everyone,

This is the last working week in London and this is so sad. Next week every group of people will be moving to partner museums. After 3 weeks in London we all became like a big international family, I will miss everyone during these two weeks while I am away in the Manchester Museum and Manchester Art Gallery.

Today we really enjoyed the sessions about  learning programs, volunteers and audiences at the British Museum.  All the speakers talked about their opportunities and sharing different experiences and ideas with us were very enlightening.

It was interesting to know that in the British Museum there are more than 600 volunteers, and the volunteers are involved in different departments and help the staff with photographing, scientific research etc.

Every day 100 of the volunteers make gallery talks with different audiences.  Also Jane Findlay talked about the new approaches of museum activities using high quality technologies.

The lunch was followed by the session about the cooperation with communities with Harvinder Bahra which was very interesting. One of the key strategies of the British Museum is to strengthen the work with its community through different special events and exhibitions. The attendants of the various events within BM are more than 36.000 per year.

Stuart Frost who is the Head of Interpretations at the British Museum, talked about the texts and labels in the museum and then he took us to a small tour in few of the galleries to show us the work they did.

Below some photos of the day:






Marine Mkrtchyan

Russian Art Museum

Yerevan, Armenia