Raneen Kiresh, The Palestinian Museum, Palestine: “What things are going to be like”
Raneen Kiresh, Public programmes and exhibitions coordinator, Palestine
“What things are going to be like”
That’s all I was thinking when I was flying to London. I’m the kind of person who always challenges herself to overcome her limits and when she puts her mind to something, there is no changing it. The International Training Programme has always been one of my aims but I never knew when or how to make it happen. Years passed and my interest in the ITP continued to increase as I continued to improve and develope in my career at the Palestinian Museum. With the support of the Palestinian Museum Management, I applied for the ITP and was confident that I will be part of this year’s training programme at the British Museum. The day I received the email from Clarie Messenger, the manager of the International Training Programme, informing me that I was accepted to participate in ITP, I realised that this opportunity will be a stepping-stone for my career.
And so… The Adventure begins

Boat trip to Kew Gardens
I have now been in London for over two weeks, the city which enchanted me and captured my heart from the very first moment I set my eyes on it. I have been introduced to culture and heritage work in the United Kingdom and to the British Museum staff, departments, galleries and its marvelous collections. Moreover, the informative and very interesting sessions we took, make me very enthusiastic for the coming weeks and especially the 10 days placement at Norfolk Museums Service – when I will get the opportunity to learn from their experience, collections, current projects and programmes.
The time is passing really fast and the knowledge we’re gaining is priceless and the people we’re meeting with are brilliant. But what makes each day unforgettable is my other amazing fellows from all around the world.

ITP Family