Opportunity: apply for Senior Fellow 2018

It is that time of year again!

We are looking for a Senior Fellow to take on the 2018 Summer Programme with the ITP team and are pleased to announce applications are now open!

This year we would like the Senior Fellow to join us from Sunday 24th June – Saturday 25th August.

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Clockwise from top left: fellows Njeri Gachihi (SF 2016), Hayk Mkrtchyan (SF 2017), Jana Alaraj (SF 2014), Eileen Musundi (SF 2013),  Shambo Ghosh (ITP 2015)

The role of Senior Fellow is taken on by an ITP fellow to help facilitate the Summer Programme. Having participated on the Summer Programme previously you will provide fellows of 2018 with knowledge of the course, of London and our UK partner museums.

The role offers the opportunity to gain further training in the delivery and development of skills-sharing programmes, to reconnect with BM and UK partner colleagues and to make new connections across our global network.

You will be an invaluable member of the ITP team, helping with the logistics and development of the summer programme, offering ideas for our legacy and sustainability projects, and providing support to the ITP team and fellows during the summer.

Hayk Mkrtchyan (ITP 2014, Armenia) last years Senior Fellow said…

“The role has been a real privilege, I felt, saw and participated in this enormous initiative. I made real suggestions, proposed new ideas and was able to bring fellows’ voices to the attention of the ITP team”


For more information and to apply take a look at the application form below. If you have any more questions please email itp@britishmuseum.org. Please submit your application by Wednesday 28 February 2018.

Senior Fellow 2018 Application