ITP Summer Programme 2018 Update

The sun is shining and we are looking ahead to this summer at the BM…

The summer programme is shaping up nicely. We spent this afternoon fine-tuning the programme that our latest ITP cohort will attend from 30 June to 11 August this year. We’ve got some fantastic new outside speakers giving sessions, as well as some great familiar faces for the ITP, and some new trips as well! And of course, we will not miss the beloved trip to Phantom of the Opera.

We are really excited to be working with colleagues from institutions that are old and new friends of the ITP, with some new countries joining the global network. And with all this activity comes lots of decision making for the ITP team: UK partner placements, object in focus partners, subject specialist sessions, Schafer House housemates..!

Here’s Becca below surrounded by Post-it notes!


Looking forward to updating you all on future developments.

Jess, Becca and Claire