Building a Global Network: ITP Book

Claire Messenger, ITP Manager

Over the past 12 months we’ve been working on a book to introduce and promote the British Museum’s International Training Programme (ITP).  Working with our Marketing Department to edit and design the layout and with Photography and Imaging to select the images, we’d like to share with you Building a global network.

Please click on the link here to access the pdf copy of the book.

The book is for anyone who wants to know more about the ITP.  Whether they are ITP Fellows and partners who want to be able to show colleagues about the global network they are part of or someone who would like to attend and wants to understand more about the summer programme and our legacy opportunities.  We also hope the book will be a useful tool for engaging with those who might like to support and sponsor the Programme.

There are some lovely photographs taken over the years of many of ITP Fellows.  And we’ve also include images of some of the amazing objects you’ve chosen for your exhibition proposal projects.   It also includes some quotes from our alumni which we feel nicely sum-up the Programme and what we all hope to achieve.

Thank you to everyone who have helped us with the book and we will be sending copies out over the next few months.

Happy World Book Day!