Summer Programme: THANK YOU!

The ITP team would like to take a moment to send a big THANK YOU to everyone who has helped us this year to put together the British Museum’s International Training Programme.  From colleagues here at the Museum to our UK and Programme partners, everyone has been wonderful sharing their knowledge, experience and their collections.

This summer, thanks to the support we had from colleagues around the BM and across the sector, the ITP fellows were provided with a detailed overview of all aspects of culture and heritage in the UK, both front-of-house and behind-the-scenes.

The programmes created were also able to highlight contemporary issues and challenges in the museum world through workshops and meetings that reflected current thinking in the sector.

Subject-specific working groups enabled fellows to work together with colleagues in the ITP group who have similar projects, programmes and personal interests.   Fellows with specific individual specialisms were able to spend time one-on-one talking to curators and looking at collections.

The time fellows spend in smaller groups with colleagues in the BM’s collections departments and our UK Partners, enable them to tailor their programmes and be reactive to the needs of individual fellows.

Thank you again – as always we couldn’t do this without you all and we really do appreciate all your support.