2018 Summer Programme Reports: Middle East and Greece & Rome Fellows

The final batch of ITP 2018 reports comes from the fellows who spent their departmental time this summer in the Middle East Department and the Department of Greece and Rome.

Middle East Fellows

Ali Al Kathiri
Director, Museum of the Frankincense Land, Oman
Partner Placement: Tyne & Wear Archives and Museums
Supported by the Anglo-Omani Society

Hoda El Chayah
Archaeologist, Ministry of Culture – Directorate General of Antiquities
Partner Placement: Norfolk Museums Service
Supported by the de Laszlo Foundation

Rafidah Bahari
Senior Conservator: Ceramic, Glass and Building Materials, Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia
Partner Placement: Bristol Museums, Galleries and Archives

Rema Zeynalova
Chief Specialist on Scientific Research, Azerbaijan Carpet Museum
Partner Placement: Bristol Museums, Galleries and Archives
Supported by the Altajir Trust

Greece & Rome Fellows

Amalia Kakissis
Archivist, British School at Athens, Greece
Partner Placement: Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology
Supported by the Philip and Irene Toll Gage Foundation

Dilek Karaaziz Sener
Vice Director, Hacettepe Art Museum and Lecturer, Hacettepe University, Turkey
Partner Placement: Manchester Art Gallery, Manchester Museum & Whitworth Art Gallery
Marie-Louise von Motesiczky Charitable Trust Fellow

Ivan Radman-Livaja
Deputy Director and Senior Curator, Greek and Roman Department, Archaeological Museum Zagreb, Croatia
Partner Placement: Tyne & Wear Archives and Museums

Mustafa Okan Cinemre
Archaeologist and Curator, Anatolian Civilisations Museum, Ankara, Turkey
Partner Placement: The Collection: Art and Archaeology in Lincolnshire & University of Nottingham Museum