Planning for the 2019 ITP Summer Programme

Written by Claire Messenger, International Training Programme Manager

While we are still working on the report for the ITP 2018, which we are looking forward to sharing with you before the end of the year,  we are now beginning to plan for the summer programme 2019.

Currently we are talking to colleagues around the Museum to finalise the countries we will work with next year: once those are confirmed we’ll be sure to share the news. Hopefully we’ll have some new countries to add to our global network, which now numbers 43.

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We can confirm, though, that the programme will take place from Saturday 6 July to Saturday 17 August and that…

At the British Museum:

Fellows will broaden their understanding of the UK museum sector by being introduced to a wide range of topics.  Courses will offer a mix of creative workshops and hands-on sessions, presentations and ‘behind the scenes’ tours, delivered by colleagues from the British Museum and our programme partners.

Subject-specialist sessions will again be developed and will focus on areas of interest based on our 2019 fellow’s professional interests, current projects and role profiles.

We will also develop a series of workshops that will enable us to react to contemporary issues and challenges in the museum world, and reflect current thinking in the sector.

And there will be the opportunity to visit other major museums and sites in London and the South East of England.

Our UK Partners:

Fellows will spend ten days of the programme at a Partnership UK institution, between Monday 29 July and Wednesday 7 August.  Partners for 2019 will include:

  • Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology, Oxford
  • Bristol Museums, Galleries and Archives
  • The Collection: Art and Archaeology in Lincolnshire & Nottingham University Museum
  • Glasgow Museums
  • Manchester Museum, Manchester Art Gallery & Whitworth Art Gallery
  • National Museums Northern Ireland
  • Norfolk Museums Service
  • Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums, Newcastle

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New for 2019:

As you know, each year we take the ITP external evaluation report, fellows’ feedback from the final day and fellows’ reports and look to see what changes we can make to the programme for the following year.

Two things we will be working on in 2019 will be networking and session aims and objectives.  What came out clearly, both during and after the summer programme 2018, was the need to clarify what ‘networking’ means and why it is so important to our ITPers, so for next summer we will introduce a networking session and set of guidelines that we will share early in the programme.  For 2019 we are also planning to look again at the format and content of the coursebook and programme.  Following the most recent ITP legacy project (MA Conference Belfast), we have trialled and will be getting feedback on a new combined coursebook and programme that will include session aims, objectives and worksheets.

As our plans for 2019 develop, we will keep you up to date and we will look forward to introducing our alumni to our next cohort of ‘ITPers’.
