Thoughts and Feelings on Object in Focus and Further Research (Ketevan Chitashvili, ITP 2019, Georgia)
Written by Ketevan Chitashvili, Specialist of Cash Circulation and Currency, Money Museum of The National Bank of Georgia (ITP 2019, Georgia).
Hi, my name is Katie and I am from Georgia. For ITP 2019 Georgia is represented as a newest addition to the global museum network, and I am happy to be the first Georgian on this programme. Currently I work as a specialist of cash circulation and currency production at the Money Museum of National Bank of Georgia. It is not my first museum. I have previously worked at two other museums in Kakheti, Georgia, but never had a chance to create and propose an exhibition based on the model of Object in Focus displays used here in the UK.

Object in Focus is a project where two ITP participants and their departmental mentor plan an exhibition. Everyday we have sessions about different topics associated with museum activities. I think this project is a great way getting to know the subject.
We had two workshops to help us to prepare for the exhibition proposal project. The first session involved getting to know our object and the partner I would be working with. The second session explored what objects ‘say’.
The first workshop gave us the opportunity to learn more about our partner and to think about what we as a pair both can bring to the project.
And after the second workshop I understand two main things that I want to share with you. First, when you have a message for the public you should not be lazy, but deliver it with an inspiring exhibition. Second, when there is a chance to make object speak – make it speak only about the things that worries you and your surroundings at that specific moment.
Object in Focus is a project that encourages not only creativity and confidence but makes us go back to real life and think about the challenges we face today.
Object in focus makes us think about the ‘big ideas’, the key ‘selling’ points, opportunities, benefits and risks.

In our group we all possess different gifts and abilities and all of us can bring something to the project and to the world. Museums and objects in focus exist to tell the world a meaningful story about human lives.
I hope me and my partner’s “Object in focus” exhibition project proposal will be interesting and make public to think about the story and its relation to the public. The British Museum gives us knowledge about the world and I enjoy working and visiting different museums together with my colleagues from different countries.