An Amazing Opportunity: Thoughts on a Day Trip to Stonehenge (Nyaz Azeez Awmar, ITP 2019, Kurdistan)

Written by Nyaz Azeez Awmar, Director and Archaeologist, Koya Civilization Museum (ITP 2019, Kurdistan).

My name is Nyaz Azeez Awmar. I obtained a master’s degree in archaeology from the University of Valencia in Spain. I am a Researcher and the Director of Koya Civilization Museum, Kurdistan. This is the first time I have written a blog for the British Museum International Training Programme.

Don’t be pessimistic of your dreams, continue so as to obtain your goals, because nothing is impossible in this life and nothing is out of a person’s ability. With effort, at the end you will get goals and wishes. That’s why I say don’t be pessimistic when something doesn’t go in a right way in your life, you have to try more than one time.

The stones and entrance of this of the ancient site of Stonehenge are aligned with the movements of the sun.

The stones were raised around 4500 years ago by the prehistoric people of Britain. Within is an existing circular enclosure, or henge, which had been built about 500 years earlier. Stonehenge is at the centre of this complex ceremonial landscape.  

The many people who come to visit Stonehenge

On 20 July 2019 I visited this important archaeology site in Britain with my friends from the British Museum and the ITP. It was one of my hopes to see this important place closely before I arrived in the UK, and see any of importance archaeological sites and historical places. This site which could date back as far as 4500 years ago has remained a beautiful and important place that many people enthusiastically visit today.

Stonehenge is an important site and it a nice landscape. I began to notice what I’m describing here has multiple projects on the go at the same time. There is audio to explain about the history of Stonehenge and the site has an exhibition, restaurant, gift shops and buses to transport tourists around the site.

My favourite site!

I have seen a lot of people from different country’s came to visit the place. You cannot go too close to the Stones that you can touch them so the stones remain protected.

I want say many thanks for the British Museum and the ITP for gave opportunity for our group to see the important archaeological site. Our intent is the introduction to different archaeological sites and learn the different cultures. This is important because archaeology is our identity.
