Man and Nature in Harmony: My Impression of Glasgow (Ye Ye, ITP 2019, China)
Written by Ye Ye, Curator, Emperor Qin Shihuang’s Mausoleum Site Museum (ITP 2019, China).
Myself and three of the ITP’s fellows have arrived in Glasgow, Scotland. Although it was on a five hours of train, when I walked out of the railway station, the fresh air immediately hit me and the tiredness was swept away.
Patricia Allan, of the Glasgow Museums, guided us around the main attractions of Glasgow. We admired the beautiful and ancient architecture and experienced the Scottish culture.

In the evening, we enjoyed Scottish cuisine and it was very delicious. During the dinner, I chatted with the colleagues from the Glasgow Museum. We chatted about the exhibition “China’s First Emperor and the Terracotta Warriors” at Liverpool’s World Museum in 2018. The exhibition was very popular in the UK. In the future, museums of the two countries will strengthen exchanges and cooperation.
Colleagues from the Glasgow Museum told me that there are so many Chinese people who traveled to Glasgow. She asked me why Chinese travelers like Glasgow. I replied to her: “Because of the ancient and artistic architecture, fresh air, feeling of relaxation, idyllic atmosphere. This is also my impression of Glasgow .”

Glasgow is a very liveable city. I am looking forward to the next 10 days of the Glasgow Museum.
Ye Ye