Keep in Touch With the ITP on Our Social Channels (George Peckham, ITP Assistant)
Another successful summer programme has come to an end and we hope you were all able to keep up with everything we got up to over ITP 2019.
This year’s fellows provided us with some fantastic entries for the ITP blog. It was fun to see how previous fellows reacted to reading about and seeing pictures of things like Schafer House and the Object in Focus Reception and being reminded of their time on the ITP. We also hope our posts may have inspired potential ITP fellows to apply for next year!
While the summer programme may be over for another year, there will still be plenty of things to look forward to seeing on the International Training Programme’s social channels.

The Blog
There will still be plenty of blogs to read! Here are some of things you can expect to be reading about over the coming months:
- More blogs from ITP 2019: We will still be hearing from some of this year’s fellows about their highlights from the summer programme.
- What’s happening at the British Museum: We will share updates about news and events happening here at the British Museum.
- What’s happening at our UK partners: There will be blogs about news and events relating to our network of UK partner museums.
- What’s happening with YOU! If you are an ITP fellow and you have something you would like to share relating to your work or institution, we invite you to write an article for the ITP blog! Send us your blogs to
Our Facebook Group
There are over 600 members of the British Museum International Training Programme Facebook group and it is one of the best ways to stay connected with the ITP and its global network.
We regularly share updates relating to the ITP and what we’ve been up to. It was also the place to see the Picture of the Day over the summer programme. More images will go up on the group page over the year.
So if you haven’t joined our Facebook Group, do it now and stay connected!

The ITP is also on Twitter. Here you can see updates from the blog and news about what is happening with the ITP. Twitter is also a good place to interact and keep in touch with our network of UK partners.
We were live-tweeting this year’s Object in Focus reception and we will be covering other ITP special events on Twitter. In October, the ITP will be going to the Museum Assocation’s (MA) annual conference and exhibition in Brighton. Twitter will be the place to see updates about the ITP at the MA Conference.
So if you use Twitter, give @britmusITP a follow and say hello!
Do you have trouble seeing any of these platforms or the ITP website? Let us know by sending an email to