ITP Newsletter 2020: Call for Submissions!
ITP Newsletter 2020: Museum audiences
Call for Submissions
Deadline: 31 January 2020
We are now accepting submissions for issue 7 of the ITP Newsletter! We are excited to say that Mohamed Mokhtar (Egypt, ITP Senior Fellow 2019) will be the guest editor of the 2020 Newsletter. The focus of next year’s issue will be museum audiences.
Engaging with our audiences and ensuring inclusion is at the heart of our work to both increase our visitor numbers and ensure they enjoy their time in our museums, galleries and sites. It is key to the future of culture and heritage worldwide.

As part of an international museum and heritage community and in order to stay relevant and sustainable, museums need to share their collections, knowledge and experiences with as wide an audience as possible. Ensuring increasing visitor numbers matters, but so does the quality of their experience.
Mohamed would like to hear from any of our fellows and partners about their experiences OR challenges of engaging and growing their audiences.
- Engaging with our audiences: tell us how your museum is engaging and developing its audience. Have you created an audience development plan? How has it worked and what learning can you share? Perhaps you’d like to share a case study on a project or programme you have delivered to help engage with a new audience?
- Your Collection in Focus: highlighting an object in your museum or gallery that you think has potential for engaging with a new or existing audience.
- Global perspectives: your own thoughts and reflections in response to the following question: Why should museums care about inclusion?

We would also like to include, as usual, any news you’d like to share on what is happening in your institution, updates on your personal and professional news and details of any ITP ‘meet-ups’ around the world.
Read the full, detailed call for papers here. The deadline for contributions is 31st January 2020 and we are looking forward to reading what’s new with you and your institution!
Please include three or four good quality, high-resolution (A4, 300dpi) photographs with captions with each submission. Please send submissions to