Join us in February for ITP28!
Written by George Peckham, International Training Programme Assistant
We are very excited to announce we are setting a challenge for the ITP network: join us in the month of February for ITP28!
Each day throughout February will have a different theme or prompt and we would like you to share photos or memories relating to each day’s theme. As you can see from the schedule below a lot of these themes are related to ITP and museums. As we are in our 15th anniversary of ITP, we thought this would be a fun way to share with the network and look back at our experiences of ITP.
For example for day 3, ITP memory, you might want to share your favourite photo from your experience with ITP. For day 7 we would love to see your favourite recipes, and for day 16 a song which you had on repeat over the last year.
See the ITP28 schedule below!

You can share your ITP28 submissions on our Facebook group, on Twitter and on Instagram. Use #ITP28 so everyone can see what you share.
If you do not have access to these social media pages, get in touch with the ITP team. Email us your photos and we would be happy to share anything on your behalf. Contact us if you have any questions.
It was great to see so many ITP fellows get involved in Museum Selfie Day! Thanks to everyone for their submissions, we enjoyed seeing all of your selfies.
We hope to lots more of the network get involved with ITP28! So start preparing your photos and we hope to see lots of you for day 1 on the 1st of February!