Looking Ahead to Museum Week 2021
Written by Claire Messenger, Manager, International Training Programme
While the last 12 months have been challenging and unexpected, the International Training Programme team has found new and exciting opportunities to engage with our network of 299 fellows, our UK and programme partners and the wider heritage and cultural community.
Our ITP social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook and Instagram) have been the perfect place for engagement and conversation over the last year and despite lockdown and working from home, the team has worked to ensure our blogsite and online platforms have stayed current and topical.

On our ITP Facebook group, which has 600+ members including ITP fellows, UK and programme partners and friends and colleagues across the sector with links to the programme, and Twitter account the team was able to connect with the network to take various UK based social media initiatives global. #AskAConservator, #MuseumPassion, #Museum30 and #MuseumFromHome proved firm favourites with our fellows sharing their views and highlighting their news in the spirit of international collaboration and knowledge exchange.

Then in February 2021 we all enjoyed taking part in #ITP28 – a 28-day social media campaign which asked ITP colleagues to share updates every day throughout the month. Participants were encouraged to post images and stories about themselves, their work, their experiences of lockdown and working from home, and their experiences of the ITP. Each day had its own prompt or ‘theme’ which gave the participants a schedule to follow throughout the month.
So now we are looking forward to the next social media challenge, Museum Week, which started in 2014 and has grown to include over 60,000 participants from 100+ countries creating a cultural event which is shared, annually, on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Weibo, WeChat and VKontakte.

From 7 – 13 June, #MuseumWeek2021 will be devoted to creativity through 7 days, 7 themes, 7 hashtags:
- Monday, June 7: #OnceUponAtimeMW
- Tuesday, June 8: #BehindTheScenesMW
- Wednesday, June 9: #ChildrensEyesMW
- Thursday, June 10: #EurekaMW
- Friday, June 11: #CaptionThisMW
- Saturday, June 12: #ArtIsEverywhereMW
- Sunday, June 13: #WordsForTheFutureMW
The ITP will be posting each day – and sharing our posts through our various WhatsApp groups – throughout the week and we hope you will be following us and that you will join us sharing your posts too.