First Reflections on the ITP 2021 E-Learning
Written by George Peckham, ITP Assistant
Last week we released the final core session of our ITP 2021 e-learning. 4 weeks of contextual sessions, followed by 8 weeks of core sessions have flown by so quickly! To look back at our previous blogs on ITP 2021, which covers each core session, click here.
The ITP 2021 fellows are now working to finish off their e-learning by completing the final few sessions. The cohort have also been providing extremely helpful evaluations of their e-learning experience. Their feedback will be crucial for us for understanding what worked well for the e-learning, what can be improved, and suggestions of what we can include for our next e-learning course.

As an ITP team we will be also conducting our own internal evaluations of the e-learning process, from the planning of sessions, to how sessions were shared with the fellows.
Conducing this e-learning has been a big learning experience for me. From learning new skills like using a Learning Management System and the basics of editing video, to planning and organising to make sure content was ready on time. I’ve enjoyed being part of the process of planning and recording the videos which make up the e-learning course, and working with the various members of British Museum staff who have kindly contributed to the course.

But the most important thing is that I hope that the ITP 2021 fellows have enjoyed completing the e-learning. Hopefully the sessions have been useful, informative, and the course has met their expectations.
Now that the course has finished we want to keep engaging with the 2021 group. We want to help them connect with their 2021 colleagues and start to integrate with the rest of the network online, before their visit the British Museum.
So stay tuned for more updates from ITP 2021 as we continue to connect remotely. We will be sharing our plans for the coming months with the 2021 cohort soon.