ICOM Prague 2022: The Power of Museums
The 26th ICOM General Conference will be held in Prague this month on 20–28 August 2022 at the Prague Congress Centre to the theme of ‘The Power of Museums’. The ICOM triennial General Conference is dedicated to museums and its professionals and since 1948, a growing number of participants from all continents have been coming together to discuss ideas and share thoughts on the current issues facing museums. In its last edition, the ICOM General Conference brought together more than 4,500 professionals and acts as ‘a worldwide hub that encourages international cooperation in the museum sector.’
The Power of Museums will be explored via main areas;
- Purpose: Museums and Civil Society
- Sustainability: Museums and Resilience
- Vision: Museums and Leadership
- Delivery: Museums and New Technologies

We have several fellows and partners from the ITP global network attending this year including the following:
ITP Fellows
- Shreen Amin (Egypt, ITP Fellow 2016) attending online, conference speaker
- Nevine Nizar Zakaria (Egypt, ITP Fellow 2012) conference speaker
- Wesam Mohamed (Egypt, ITP Fellow 2015) conference speaker
- Hayk Mkrtchyan (Armenia, ITP Fellow 2014) conference speaker
- Tatevik Saroyen (Armenia, ITP 2022) conference speaker
- Davit Poghosyan (Armenia, ITP Fellow 2015) conference speaker
- Marine Mkrtchyan (Armenia, ITP Fellow 2014)
- Pankaj Protim Bordoloi (India, ITP Fellow 2018)
- Beimote Etim (Nigeria, ITP Fellow 2017)
- Yanoa Pomalima Carrasco (Peru, ITP 2022)
- Norhan Hassan Salem (Egypt, ITP Fellow 2017)
- Rema Zeynalova (Azerbaijan, ITP Fellow 2018)
Conference Outline (see online here.)
ICOM Prague 2022
26th ICOM General Conference
20–28 August 2022
Prague Congress Centre
5. května 1640/65, 140 21 Prague, Czech Republic
‘For the first time in ICOM’s history, ICOM Prague 2022 will explore a new hybrid conference format. The spirit of innovation and resilience that has marked the community outreach programmes of museums around the world has led us to seek new ways of making the conference more accessible, while ensuring the safety of our Members. This year, a digital platform will provide participants not travelling to Prague with full remote access to the scientific programme of ICOM Prague 2022. While preventing all possible obstacles regarding movement between countries, ICOM has chosen to invest in a more balanced and democratic global participation.’
‘ICOM Prague 2022 will offer participants a dense scientific programme, combining keynote speeches, panels, roundtables and debates, on four crucial themes for today’s museums. A further innovation: young ICOM members will have the chance to express their concerns and insights during dedicated “Youth Forum” sessions. Alongside it, at the International Museum Fair, companies and museums will present their latest innovations and solutions designed for the museum and exhibition industry.’
‘Last but not least, ICOM Prague 2022 will give ICOM members the opportunity to discuss and vote on multiple themes that have defined the organisation’s work during the last few years: the new Museum Definition, the revision of the Code of Ethics, the amendment of the Statutes and the new ICOM Strategic Plan 2022–2028.’
‘Museums have the Power to Change the World Around Us!’
Hayk would like to arrange a meeting during the conference to bring all ITP fellows together so please get in touch with him if you are attending and would like to meet. If you are not on the list above but will be going to the conference, do let us know!