ITP 2022 e-learning has launched!
On 22 August we were excited to start the ITP Annual Programme 2022 and welcome 16 fellows to our new e-learning course for 2022.
We learnt a lot from our very first e-learning course created for the ITP 2022 annual programme. We have applied some of those learnings to hopefully improve the e-learning experience of the fellows and make the content more streamlined.
The ITP 2022 e-learning will take place over the next two-weeks, giving the fellows plenty of time to complete the course before coming to the UK on 16 September. We have streamlined the course be reorganising some of the modules to give the course a better flow. On top of this, we have added more additional resources which hopefully will supplement the videos created by British Museum colleagues.

The ITP 2022 e-learning is structured into the following sessions:
- Contextual sessions: A session to introduce participants to the programme, the British Museum, culture and heritage in the UK and our network 2022
- Collections Management: including collections storage, documentation, libraries and archives.
- Museum Audiences: covering a variety of audience groups including young people, schools, families, communities and volunteers.
- Conservation & Scientific Research: An introduction to the departments with case studies from conservators and scientists.
- Permanent displays: Curators and research; design, collections management and interpretation.
- National and international loans: British Museum loans, in theory and in practice.
- Temporary exhibitions: Curators and research; design/display; interpretation and marketing.
- Going digital: Online learning; online events; online exhibitions and getting the most from social media.

We hope that the ITP 2022 cohort enjoy the e-learning course and find it useful and informative. We are looking forward to seeing how they progress through the course and hear some of their feedback.