ITP newsletter 2022 is out now!
We have very happy to be releasing the 9th issue of the ITP Newsletter! For this year’s newsletter, the network focused on climate, the environment and sustainability.
You can download the newsletter here: ITP Newsletter 9
Across the ITP network, museums and galleries are facing the impact of climate change and fellows are working on projects and programmes to support sustainable and environmentally friendly practices. So we asked our ITP fellows to tell us what their museums are doing in response.

Fellows have written for this issue to tell us how they, their museums or their sectors are working to tackle the climate crisis and demonstrate how museums and the wider sector are responding to the climate emergency.
Contributors have shared stories about objects in their museums that they see as a potential catalyst for engaging with audiences and that could be a focus for a public programme on climate, the environment and sustainability.

Thank you so much to everyone who contributed to this year’s newsletter. We hope you enjoy learning more about our network’s responses to the climate challenge in museum sectors around the world.