A virtual experience of the 26th ICOM General Conference Prague 2022 (Shreen Amin, Egypt, ITP 2016)
Written by Shreen Amin, Director, Children’s Museum, Egyptian Museum, Cairo (Egypt, ITP 2016)
I am writing today to talk about my virtual experience of attending the 26th ICOM General Conference Prague 2022. I have been awarded the ITP conference grant to attend the 26th ICOM General Conference. Due to unexpected conditions, I was not able to participate physically. Thanks to ITP who accepted to change the way of their support and supported me in presenting my paper online.
I presented my paper at the CIPEG Annual Meeting, which took place 22-28 August as part of the 26th ICOM General Conference Prague, Czech Republic 2022 under the title The Power of Museums in engaging their Communities. Case Study: Museums of the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities. (Online)
I am attaching here a recorded version of my talk and the PowerPoint presentation for my ITP colleagues who might be interested to hear my talk.
Many thanks to Claire, Anna, and dear friend Nagwa Bakr (ITP 2019) for their kind support.
I am dedicating this talk to the soul of my uncle who just passed away. May his soul rest in peace.