Reminder! The call for submission for ITP Newsletter issue 10 is still open!
ITP Newsletter 2023: Past and present
Call for submissions
Deadline: 31 March 2023
We want to remind the ITP network that we are still accepting submissions for the 2023 ITP Newsletter!
The theme of the ITP Newsletter 2023 will be “Past and Present”. Across the ITP network, museums, galleries, and art institutions are undergoing a variety of transformations; past interpretations are being re-narrated in the present context to create engagement with audiences, and it has become a growing practice to bring changes across institutions as an effort of reinvent and reimagine museum spaces for the audiences of 21st century.
We’d like to hear from any of our fellows about their ‘past and past’ experiences in their institutions, sectors or fields of professional research. Fellows could discuss their own institution as well as other museums, exhibitions, events or programme in their home country that they have recently visited or attended. Is your organisation doing anything different to address this need and bring about change?
Do you collaborate with living contemporary artists on their artworks, and how do you contextualise existing museum objects with contemporary art forms?
The British Museum just completed a temporary exhibition which blended past and present thanks to the most recent ITP co-curation project! Tutankhamun reimagined was a one-object display co-curated by Heba Khairy (ITP 2017, Egypt) which celebrated to centenary of the discovery of King Tutankhamun’s tomb and explored how he is viewed by Egyptians today. The display included contemporary artworks by Egyptian graffiti artist, Noufal O.

We will be looking forward to receiving your submissions so please send us a contribution. For more information you can read our announcement blog or the Call for Submissions document linked to the top of this page!