ITP annual report 2022

We’re very pleased to share the ITP annual report 2022 with you all!

The report talks about the annual programme and what was new for 2022, and gives the opportunity for our departmental and UK partner museum colleagues to talk about their programmes. It also covers some of the other highlights of the ITP year with a focus on our legacy projects and our plans for the future.

Asmahan sitting next to a display case as she films her talk. The cameraman is facing Asmahan crouched to her level and holding a camera. A colleague stands next to the cameraman holding cue-cards.

I’d like to thank everyone who contributed to the 2022 report, it is great to have all your voices included and makes the report a really interesting read. Thank you to the British Museum’s Marketing department for their hard work in putting the report together.

The 2022 report marks the end of what was a very busy year for ITP. The 2022 report covers the second annual programme we hosted in 2022. The March-April 2022 annual programme is covered in the ITP 2021 annual report.

ITP fellows at the Scottish National Gallery for the Museums Association Conference 2022

5 fellows joined us in Edinburgh at the Museums Association Conference 2022

We are continuing to work on the next annual programme for 2023 and we will be meeting our UK partner colleagues at Manchester Museum to talk about plans for the coming year.

Meanwhile, we hope you will keep up to date with us in 2023 via the blog, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and the ITP Newsletter, and please do let us know if you have something you’d like to share with the ITP network.