ITP Newsletter 2024 is out now!
We are delighted to be releasing the 11th issue of the ITP Newsletter!
The theme for this year’s newsletter is ‘museums of the past through technologies of the future’, chosen and developed by ITP Senior Fellow 2023, Ciprian Dobra, Alba Ilulia Municipality Counsellor and Cultural Objective Curator, Principia Museum, Romania.
Download the newsletter here: ITP Newsletter 11

The newsletter takes a look across the global ITP network, at museums, galleries and cultural sites, that are using technology to understand their collections and connect with their audiences. This year’s contributors from around the UK and across the world share examples of current practice to bring about change and reinvent and imagine museum spaces for the audience of the 21st century.
We asked our network to consider what this means to us as museum practitioners, why is it becoming more important, and how are we are working within the existing historical, archaeological and anthropological space? How are we adapting to these changes, and what do they mean for our audiences?

As well as articles on this year’s theme, we share some updates on what’s been happening in institutions around the world, and details from our alumni’s personal and professional updates.
Thank you so much to everyone who contributed to this year’s newsletter – particularly to Ciprian for developing this thought-provoking theme. We hope you enjoy reading our network’s responses to ‘museums of the past through technologies of the future’ in museum sectors around the world.