ITP Social Media Survey – Results!

Emma Croft
ITP Coordinator

2016 was an exciting year for all of us on the ITP team – with further engagement projects, a great summer programme, and developments for future opportunities to keep us all working together.

Over the last couple of months I’ve been looking at how the ITP can better connect with our fellows, partners and sponsors across the network. The first step towards this was our ITP social media survey. With a strong response rate from our ITPers, I’ve been able to see what keeping in touch means to you, how well we’ve been doing , and how you’d like to follow the ITP and share your own news in the future.

I’m pleased to share some of the results of our survey and what our next steps will be for ITP social media!


As you can see, we’ve got a lot of work to do, including blog improvements to add more options for visitors, creating a better Facebook presence, and a survey for supporters and partners to see how they can keep in touch.

We hope you’ll keep looking out for changes and we’ll let you know once our new platforms are launched.

Thanks to everyone who took part in the survey!

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