Anna Cottle
International Training Programme Coordinator
I have worked at the British Museum since 2014, across various departments including Visitor Services, Events, Africa, Oceania and the Americas (AOA) and Collection Projects and Resources, giving me a great overview of the institution, curators and collection. I have been involved in the ITP Annual Programme for a number of years, as an department rep for AOA which gave me a fantastic introduction to the ITP and previous fellows before joining the team as Coordinator in 2019.
My MA in Museum Cultures at Birkbeck University focused on subjects such as digital technology in museums and representations of indigenous communities in museum displays and so I enjoy working on a uniquely global programme at the British Museum both online and onsite. Particularly note-worthy is experience gained from working across various departments, principally AOA, in terms of high-profile event organisation and global communication coordination.
I assist in the production of the annual programme and coordinate legacy projects, which run throughout the year. A keenness to travel and experience other cultures, combined with a strong interest in inclusion, global collaboration and new media within museums makes the International Training Programme an ideal fit.
Outside of work, I have developed an international artist network, aiming to connect artists from around the world and initiated at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic to enable artists to collaborate internationally online.
Twitter: @Anna_Cottle_