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Twana Abubkir Mamand

Salahaddin University Archaeology Department Museum


Country: Iraq

ITP Year: 2023


Twana has been working as a member of the Archaeology Department at Salahaddin University, Erbil, for 11 years. He lectures in English on archaeological texts, and trains students in the field of scientific excavation methods.

As Manager of the Archaeology Department, Twana oversees the curation and preservation of historical artefacts within the museum’s collection of approximately 1000 objects. His duties include managing acquisitions, cataloguing, and storage of artefacts to ensure their preservation and accessibility for educational and research purposes. Twana ensures accurate and informative descriptions on panels and labels that accompany artifacts, offering visitors a deeper understanding of their historical, cultural, and archaeological significance.

Twana also collaborates with other educational institutions by organising events and developing programmes to promote the museum and enhance students’ understanding of archaeology and history. He facilitates research initiatives by providing access to the collection for scholars, students, and researchers interested in studying historical artifacts.

Twana’s dream for museums of the future, is for museums to evolve into vibrant, inclusive, and dynamic spaces that serve as catalysts for learning, cultural exchange, and social engagement, believing that that accessibility and inclusivity are at the forefront of this vision. He dreams of museums that break down barriers, both physical and social, making art, history, and culture accessible to everyone. This includes implementing innovative technologies for virtual tours, multilingual resources, and accommodating for individuals with disabilities to ensure that no one is left out.

As well as this, Twana envisions museums as interactive hubs that foster dialogue and collaboration. Exhibitions won’t just showcase artifacts but will also encourage participation, storytelling, and diverse perspectives. Visitors will actively engage with the narratives, contributing their own experiences and interpretations, thus creating a more enriched and multifaceted understanding of history and culture. Collaborations between museums worldwide would be seamless, allowing for the sharing of collections, knowledge, and resources on a global scale. This interconnectedness would facilitate cross-cultural understanding and appreciation, transcending geographical boundaries.

At the British Museum
During his time on the International Training Programme Twana was based in the Middle East department and spent his UK partner placement at Norfolk Museums Service.

As an ongoing project throughout the six-week programme, fellows were asked to use their existing skills and experience, and the knowledge gained throughout the annual programme, to create, develop, and propose a new interpretation for an object currently on display in the British Museum. Working in his departmental group, Twana used their object, a baked clay figurine of a woman and child, to explore motherhood and religious devotion in Ancient Mesopotamia.  

Twana’s participation on the International Training Programme was generously supported by the de Laszlo Foundation.