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Mohamed Aymen Chihaoui

Costume Museum, Monastir


Country: Tunisia

ITP Year: 2023


Ayman is the Director of the Costume Museum in Monastir where he is working with a team from The National Heritage Institute on the redevelopment of the museum.  The redevelopment project started in January and they hope to complete their work by June 2024.  Aymen will be working on new labels and panels for the objects and gallery spaces and will be drawing on inspiration from his International Training Programme Object in focus project.  He will also be working, with the team, on the restoration of the building and creating new exhibitions.

When he came on the ITP in 2023, Aymen was the Director of the Archeological Enfidha Museum, as well as the Leader Habib Bourguiba Museum where he was responsible for the development of the collection for the public and for research.  Aymen created events for the museum, including family tours and VIP visits and his other responsibilities included condition checking the museum collection, documentation and digitising collection records.

Aymen believes that education programmes in museums are very important in the preservation of cultural heritage as children should be taught its importance.  While at the Archeological Enfidha Museum and Leader Habib Bourguiba Museum, he focused on creating an education programme for the museum which ran cultural events and workshops for children. This included a ‘museum suitcase’ project, which aimed to bring the collection outside of the museum to children and schools.

At the British Museum
During Aymen’s time on the International Training Programme he was be based in the Department of Greece and Rome and his UK partner placement was spent at Norfolk Museums Service.

As an ongoing project throughout the six-week programme, fellows were asked to use their existing skills and experience, and the knowledge gained throughout the annual programme, to create, develop, and propose a new interpretation for an object currently on display in the British Museum. Aymen, along with his departmental group, used their object, a marble statue of Apollo with a kithara and quiver, to tell the story of Apollo in Greek mythology.

Aymen’s participation on the International Training Programme was generously supported by the Al Tajir Trust.