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Eneida de Lemos, wearing red framed glasses and a black top.

Eneida Braga Rocha de Lemos

Museum Projects Consultant

Country: Brazil

ITP Year: 2022


With over 20 years of experience in museum PR, Eneida has recently pursued a career as a project consultant for museums focusing on promoting the Brazilian museum field locally, nationally and internationally to develop sustainability and encourage participation. As a consultant, the objective is to promote and develop museums, considering their interfaces with tourism and work on funding projects that support the sustainability and strengthening of Brazilian museums.

Eneida is also a member of the technical chamber, ‘Creative Economy, culture, sports, and tourism’, which helps the Economic Development Council to structure museums and culture sector guidelines.  Previously, Eneida worked as the Director of Promotion, Fundraising and Economy of Museums at the Brazilian Institute of Museums.

At the British Museum

During Eneida’s time on the International Training Programme she spent time in whole group sessions for a detailed overview of all aspects of the Museum’s work, both front of house and behind the scenes.  Eneida also attended a range of subject specialist sessions, tailored sessions, chosen to reflect her professional interests, role profile and current projects and programmes. Eneida spent her partner placement at Glasgow Museums.

Eneida worked with the ITP 2022 participants to develop a 15-object trail based on a story they wanted to share based around the British Museum collection. The theme of the trail was Food and drink and Eneida’s chosen object was a pomegranate bowl.

Eneida’s place on the International Training Programme was generously supported by the Marie-Louise von Motesiczky Charitable Trust.