Lincoln Museum brings together an award-winning archaeology museum and the region’s premier art gallery, the Usher Gallery, in the heart of historic Lincoln. This local authority run museum is part of a larger County Heritage Service which comprises the Museum of Lincolnshire Life, Lincolnshire Archives, Gainsborough Old Hall and Lincoln Castle.

The City of Lincoln is the capital of the second largest county in England, located in the east between the estuaries of the Humber and the Wash. Lincoln is an ancient city founded around 2000 years ago, with many visible historic monuments from the Roman and Medieval periods, and crowned by its famous cathedral.

The collections held in the museum contain significant local archaeology, and smaller collections from Greece and Italy, arms and armour, world cultures, natural history and numismatics. The Usher Gallery displays a diverse collection of fine and decorative arts and horology including loans from national collections. Artists include JMW Turner, LS Lowry, William Logsdail, Grayson Perry and Edmund de Waal.

Lincoln Museum shows a vibrant series of temporary exhibitions, is a National Portfolio holder for its contemporary arts programme, which is supported by the Arts Council, and has an award-winning learning programme that features education and events for schools, families and adults.



Involvement in ITP

Lincoln Museum has been a partner with the ITP since 2006. We offer programmes that involve colleagues from across the range of museum teams and partners from relevant external organisations, such as the Portable Antiquities Scheme and Lincoln’s two universities. We have always seen the ITP as a fulfilling experience; one based on the sharing of knowledge. Each year prompts discussions on professional practice, not only on museum work but also on our cultural outlooks, giving greater context to our understanding of how our different countries approach heritage management issues.

Continued Dialogue

We retain contact with many fellows and their continuing work, and have had the pleasure of meeting up again with colleagues through ITP celebrations in Egypt and India. In particular, we are still working on material for future projects that has developed from the Learning, Engagement and Museums workshop in Armenia. We will be building on this in coming years and looking to continue to speak to colleagues to see how work has developed in Yerevan and other areas of the country.


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