Across three unique sites and associated stores National Museums Northern Ireland care for and present inspirational collections that reflect the creativity, innovation, history, culture and people of Northern Ireland (NI).

Ulster Museum (Belfast) is NI’s treasure house of the past and present.  The museum is home to a rich collection of art, history and natural sciences.

Ulster American Folk Park (Omagh) brings the world famous story of Irish emigration to life.  Visitors follow the emigrant trail through our open air museum, reflecting life in the thatched cottages of Ulster, on board an emigrant ship, in log cabins and stores at the American Frontier.  An array of costumed characters demonstrate traditional crafts and food, whilst telling stories.

Ulster Folk & Ulster Transport Museum (Cultra) house an indoor transport collection and open-air, living museum, reflecting life at the turn of the century in Ulster: cottages, houses, farms, places of worship, schools and shops. Costumed guides demonstrate traditional skills, crafts and baking.

Whilst many staff are mobile across sites, our Corporate Headquarters is located in Cultra; led by our Chief Executive, Director of Collections, Director of Public Engagement and Chief Operating Officer.

Collections & Connections

National Museums NI is defined as the National Collections of 1.4 million objects which are multidisciplinary, diverse and span all time periods, referencing NI within and to the wider world.  The collections are classified into six broad subject areas: Art; History; Natural Sciences; Emigration; Folk Life and Agriculture; Transport, Industry and Technology. We aim to make our collections accessible and engaging to the largest, broadest and most diverse audiences: through: display and interpretation; enabling people to learn and working in partnership with local community groups.

Our Corporate Services Staff support our collections and connections by ensuring the smooth running and development of the organisation.  National Museums NI is a non-departmental government body and so subject to governmental procedures and sponsorship.

ITP Involvement

Whilst National Museums NI has partnered with the British Museum in the past on various projects, 2018 was their first year as an ITP Partner. They are looking forward to ongoing collaborations with the British Museum but also to welcoming participants from around the world – to share experiences, perspectives and stories.

Continued Dialogue

In February 2018 National Museum NI hosted the ITP team and UK partners for a meeting at Ulster Museum, followed by a tour. In November 2018 National Museum NI provided a 3 day programme of sessions for 5 ITP fellows, visiting Belfast to attend the annual Museums Association Conference.


Find out more

National Museums NI Website Follow National Museums NI on Twitter


© AV Browne, National Museums Northern Ireland
© Trustees of the British Museum